Friday, October 12, 2007

Could This Be Why ConAgra Finally Agreed To Recall Their 'PoisonPies'?

Washington State Health Officials Links Pot Pies to More Salmonella Cases reports:
State health officials say they have now linked eight cases of salmonella in Washington to the multistate outbreak blamed on pot pies sold under the Banquet brand name and some store brand names.

The state Health Department says two cases have been identified in Spokane County, and one each in Yakima, Snohomish, Benton, Stevens, Skagit and Pierce counties. The cases occurred from May through September.

A recall has been issued for all chicken, turkey and beef pot pies manufactured by ConAgra Foods.

In addition to those sold under the Banquet label, the store brand versions are sold under the names of Albertson's, Hill Country Fare, Food Lion, Great Value (sold at Wal-Mart stores), Kirkwood, Kroger, Meijer and Western Family.

Salmonella poisoning can cause diarrhea, fever, dehydration, abdominal pain and vomiting.

Give the FDA the power to recall food. "Volunteerism" doesn't work!

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