Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Want to Prevent WWIII? Join the Movement to Impeach

With ballot initiative and resolutions for impeachment underway in several towns and cities throughout the country, how can YOU take action to built nation-wide pressure to impeach George W. Bush?

In March 2006, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) wrote and published Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush which outlines the constitutional grounds for impeachment as the argument would be made to the House of Representatives.

CCR attorneys are embarking on a nation-wide tour to impeach President George W. Bush. The tour, entitled "How to Impeach a President," includes teach-ins organized by local, progressive activists in almost 30 states around the country to discuss the case for impeachment and how to build public pressure and make impeachment a real, viable option!

Join CCR attorneys and activist groups around the country to learn more about this national movement and to participate in local actions that will have a national impact.

Get information about an impeachment teach-in in your area.

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